Monday, May 26, 2008
It's odd to smell a grill being fired up and knowing that you aren't going to be having Chew-ops (I'm currently in search of a definition for anyone who isn't a Down family member) and veggies and dip for your Memorial Day celebration. And it kind of just makes you feel weird knowing that you don't even have a grill at your new house yet, which we don't since baby gear has been on the purchasing menu the past few months. But regardless, it feels good to know that 1) you have the day off, so it's a nice and relaxing three-day weekend, 2) you have a pool across the street that you can sit at all day long and not feel guilty, 3) you can get a lot of stuff done, and 4) that your life is so much fuller this year than last year, with or without Chew-ops.
As I sat at the pool, I found myself drifting back to a year ago and in so doing, found a sense of amazement in all that we've done and the distances we've come in just one year's time. It is almost surreal. I know I've talked about this a lot, or at least I feel like I have, over the past few months, but as I really took it all into account, it was quite overwhelming. I'll just list a few things that came to mind about where we were in May of last year.
Nathan started a new job May 1.
We had just moved out of our 750 square foot condo.
After almost selling it once, it fell through, so this was round two.
We were looking to get something bigger than 750 square feet and were in discussions to buy a property on which to build a new home on in Biddleville, right outside of downtown Charlotte.
We moved in with my parents in mid-May.
We purchased the Biddleville property at the end of May.
The rest of the year is a blur.
We drew plans with an architect.
We hired a contractor.
We fired a contractor.
We got permits pulled.
We hired another contractor.
We went on a vacation in July.
We came to visit Beth and Daniel in Nashville in September before their move to Austin.
We came back to visit Nashville (for real) in October.
We found out I was pregnant in November.
We moved to Nashville in November.
We tried to sell our house in Charlotte.
We had Thanksgiving in Charlotte.
We bought furniture.
We had Christmas in Texas.
We bought more furniture.
We traveled to and from Charlotte about 10 times and continued to buy furniture.
We had a baby shower in April.
We went on vacation in May.
We celebrated Memorial Day in Nashville.
We're still trying to sell our house in Charlotte.
I mean, a lot more things happened in the middle of all those things, and God's done a lot in the midst of all those things, too many to count. But all in all, it just feels amazing to be in this place. Last May felt like we were settling. Though it was our only option at the time, building that house is not what God wanted us to do. It's obvious from everything we've encountered in the past year. Going back to visit in April was complete confirmation of those intuitions. Though Memorial Day stands for so many things to so many people and in all different walks and ways of life, for me, this year, it meant freedom. Freedom from a toxic environment with no true friendships, only those that seem true on the surface. Freedom from settling to a place of true peace and enjoyment. Freedom in Christ like I have never known. Freedom that comes from truly trusting with arms wide open and eyes wide shut. And Freedom from a life I didn't realize I didn't want until I got to where I am.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
David, that is. David Cook, as I'm sure you all are aware, is the new American Idol. I'm sure there are a great deal of teeny-bopper girls very sad that their speed dial texts for David A. didn't get him the big W, but there were enough older teens and moms to vote for the older, more mature David in the end. Good for him. Good for them. I'm sure we'll be hearing lots of good things from both in the years to come.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
So per my last update, we had to go back to the Dr. this week for another ultrasound to check my fluids and BT's growth as my fluids have been on the lower side of normal, and the Dr. I saw last week had cause for concern with a few of the numbers. I was told not to workout this past week so it could give my body a chance to keep some of my fluids up, so I obliged and was interested to see if it made any difference. Back I go to the OB.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
So, as you know, I've been keeping up with American Idol this season...pretty hard core as far as keeping up with the latest episodes, though not so much on the online gossip. And we're down to the two David's. Somehow I knew this was the way it would end up. Or at least I was hoping it was the way it would end up. Once they got onto the big stage, these two seemed to really shine and make each song their own. I don't have much to say about it other than I'm okay with either way the cookie crumbles in this case. Most of the time I have a really strong opinion about who should take home the title, but after seeing some of the successes of those "not chosen," I think I'm pretty okay with either of them winning and either of them coming in second. Mostly because either way, it's fairly certain they will both have a career in music. A part of me even thinks it might be BETTER to come in second. The second place finisher doesn't have to abide by all the terms and conditions of the contract FOX puts in place for the winner and has a little more freedom to determine the path of their career, the songs on their album, their tour dates, their lives. I guess we'll see.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
We are back from vacation and back to the Doctor I go. At my last visit, there was a slight cause for concern with my fluid levels being on the low side of normal. Due to the concern, they wanted to do a follow up Ultrasound in two weeks so they could make sure things were going up, or if nothing else, staying the same. So, lucky for me, we get to continue to see BT grow live and in person rather than just wondering what is going on inside my belly. But not so lucky for me is that the Dr. is kind of concerned. Regardless, I feel great and think everything is just fine, so that's the mindset I'll continue to have.