Sunday, October 26, 2008
I have been so totally out of the loop with writing the past few weeks...but so much has gone on that I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed just thinking about catching up. So instead of writing one hugely long blog about it all, I'm going to do my best to just write "quickies" to catch up...I know, quickie and Kara in the same sentence just doesn't add up. But I really will try. :)
My Uncle Wayne came to visit a few weeks ago, and that was really part because he is the first of the Poage clan to meet Aiden. This is really old news, but I forgot to write about it earlier, so I wanted to make sure we captured it before I forgot. He was in town visiting a college about an hour from our house, so he came out for dinner, spent the night, and headed back to Texas. It was really fun to hear his stories (he shared lots about growing up with my mom!), and catch up since we hadn't seen him since Christmas. Good times.
Aiden turned three months the week he came to visit and we had his little photo shoot the next day, so that was a fun and busy week, but well worth the long days and nights. Here's a few pictures from his visit. You can see more by clicking here.
Wayne with my mom (his older sister!) me, Nate, and the boy.
It's been a while since Uncle Wayne's held a baby (his kids are almost all out of the house now!) but he still looks like a natural!
Wayne with my neighbor Bridget, her daughter Reagan (who LOVES Baby "Ainen"), and me with the boy.
Mom and Wayne with little Aiden...loves his hands!